Saturday, September 24, 2011

On Dragons

Welp, the two week hiatus is up. I'm ashamed to admit that I'm not yet in the post-game of Disgaea 4. Have I failed as a Disgaea fan? Maybe, but I'll keep chugging along. My army of gunners and skulls is not going anywhere. I do admire those of you who have obliterated the game already; kind of wish I had that kind of time on my hands.

Unfortunately, I don't. And I won't have that time until the end of September. Then I can really game it up. It's terribly disappointing that the folks at Nippon Ichi Software didn't have the BYOL (levels) feature enabled right out of the box. Still pissed that I couldn't build right away.

Remember the pre-order goodies?

In crazier news, I played in my first official MTG tournament with surprising success. An ultimate victory it wasn't, but three rounds of defeating my opponents in two games (we played best two out of three) can't mean I'm horrible. I made a fatal mistake in the first game of the fourth round; suffering from blood-rage, I swung at my adolescent advisory with all my creatures, leaving none behind to block. Dumb-da-dumb-dumb.

The tournament was a variation that I hadn't heard about or seen before, but I'm fairly new to competitive MTG. It was always goofy friends doing goofy things with fantasy cards; we didn't try to kill each other like in Monopoly.

Everyone in the tournament started with a booster pack and three of each colored mana. Without looking at our booster packs, we opened the booster and shuffled in the mana. That was your thirty card deck. You played round one without knowing what was lurking in your deck as well as your opponent's. If you won your round, you were given another booster pack and had to construct a forty card deck. The more rounds you won, the more booster packs you were rewarded. But you couldn't go over the forty-card limit.

I'd like to take a moment and give special thanks to my partner in a three-round winning streak: the Volcanic Dragon. He was, by far, the best card I unwrapped out of all three booster packs.

All my rares sucked; plus, this dragon reared his hot little head and helped me win four out of the six games I won.

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